Increase access to affordable carer breaks in your area.

Become a Community Partner and help carers look after their mental health and wellbeing. 

Illustration of a carere taking a break flying a kyte

Increase access to affordable carer breaks in your area.

Become a Community Partner and help carers look after their mental health and wellbeing. 

Illustration of a carere taking a break flying a kyte

Increase access to affordable carer breaks in your area.

Become a Community Partner and help carers look after their mental health and wellbeing. 

Illustration of a carere taking a break flying a kyte

Increase access to affordable carer breaks in your area.

Become a Community Partner and help carers look after their mental health and wellbeing. 

Illustration of a carere taking a break flying a kyte

Why join us?

By becoming a Community Partner you can ensure your carers get better access to respite without straining your budgets. 94% of our partners say we’ve increased access to carer breaks in their area and on average rate us 9/10 for their experience of working with us.

Quick referrals

It takes only a few seconds to connect your carers to Carefree’s platform to give them instant access to our Breaks Hub.

Accessible for carers

Hundreds of hotels nationwide donate unsold rooms to us, creating a wide spread of possible dates and locations for carers to choose from.

Impact reporting

Track your carers on their break journey and receive heartwarming testimonials that vividly illustrate the impact on carers.

Carer identification

Receive referrals of ‘hidden’ carers from your local area that have signed-up to Carefree but aren’t registered with you yet.

Why join us?

By becoming a Community Partner you can ensure your carers get better access to respite without straining your budgets. 94% of our partners say we’ve increased access to carer breaks in their area and on average rate us 9/10 for their experience of working with us.

Quick referrals

It takes only a few seconds to connect your carers to Carefree’s platform to give them instant access to our Breaks Hub.

Accessible for carers

Hundreds of hotels nationwide donate unsold rooms to us, creating a wide spread of possible dates and locations for carers to choose from.

Impact reporting

Track your carers on their break journey and receive heartwarming testimonials that vividly illustrate the impact on carers.

Carer identification

Receive referrals of ‘hidden’ carers from your local area that have signed-up to Carefree but aren’t registered with you yet.

Why join us?

By becoming a Community Partner you can ensure your carers get better access to respite without straining your budgets. 94% of our partners say we’ve increased access to carer breaks in their area and on average rate us 9/10 for their experience of working with us.

Quick referrals

It takes only a few seconds to connect your carers to Carefree’s platform to give them instant access to our Breaks Hub.

Accessible for carers

Hundreds of hotels nationwide donate unsold rooms to us, creating a wide spread of possible dates and locations for carers to choose from.

Impact reporting

Track your carers on their break journey and receive heartwarming testimonials that vividly illustrate the impact on carers.

Carer identification

Receive referrals of ‘hidden’ carers from your local area that have signed-up to Carefree but aren’t registered with you yet.

Why join us?

By becoming a Community Partner you can ensure your carers get better access to respite without straining your budgets. 94% of our partners say we’ve increased access to carer breaks in their area and on average rate us 9/10 for their experience of working with us.

Quick referrals

It takes only a few seconds to connect your carers to Carefree’s platform to give them instant access to our Breaks Hub.

Accessible for carers

Hundreds of hotels nationwide donate unsold rooms to us, creating a wide spread of possible dates and locations for carers to choose from.

Impact reporting

Track your carers on their break journey and receive heartwarming testimonials that vividly illustrate the impact on carers.

Carer identification

Receive referrals of ‘hidden’ carers from your local area that have signed-up to Carefree but aren’t registered with you yet.

Sandra, unpaid carer who stayed at Holiday Inn Southend

Our world is so narrow when you are a carer, so it was wonderful to have some space and freedom.

Sandra, who stayed at Holiday Inn Southend

Sandra, unpaid carer who stayed at Holiday Inn Southend

Our world is so narrow when you are a carer, so it was wonderful to have some space and freedom.

Sandra, who stayed at Holiday Inn Southend

Sandra, unpaid carer who stayed at Holiday Inn Southend

Our world is so narrow when you are a carer, so it was wonderful to have some space and freedom.

Sandra, who stayed at Holiday Inn Southend

Sandra, unpaid carer who stayed at Holiday Inn Southend

Our world is so narrow when you are a carer, so it was wonderful to have some space and freedom.

Sandra, who stayed at Holiday Inn Southend

How it works for carers

How it works for carers

How it works for carers

How it works for carers

Carers need to be aged over 18 and provide more than 30 hours of unpaid care per week to be eligible. They can take one break per year of 1-2 nights in length. We charge a £33 admin fee per break at the point of booking to the carer, but if you have a carer breaks budget it’s possible to cover this fee for your carers directly within our platform.

Carers need to be aged over 18 and provide more than 30 hours of unpaid care per week to be eligible. They can take one break per year of 1-2 nights in length. We charge a £33 admin fee per break at the point of booking to the carer, but if you have a carer breaks budget it’s possible to cover this fee for your carers directly within our platform.


We operate a turnover-based annual membership model for Community Partners to help us with the cost of running this service for our partners. 

This fixed fee guarantees increasing value for money over time. The average value of a Carefree break is £275, so even a handful of breaks yield a return on investment. Please note that VAT will be added to the price.

Below £300k


Below £300k


Below £300k


Below £300k


£300k – £500k


£300k – £500k


£300k – £500k


£300k – £500k


£500k – £1m


£500k – £1m


£500k – £1m


£500k – £1m


£1m – £2m


£1m – £2m


£1m – £2m


£1m – £2m


£2m – £3m


£2m – £3m


£2m – £3m


£2m – £3m


Above £3m


Above £3m


Above £3m


Above £3m



  • Barnsley Carers Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Carers Bucks Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Carers Centre Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Carer Service Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Carers First Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Carers Oxfordshire Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Cornwall Carers Service Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Derbyshire Carers Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Halton Carers Centre Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Hartlepool Carers Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Improving Lives Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Islington Age UK Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Making Space Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • N Compass Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Rethink Mental Illness Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Send the Right Message Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Signpost Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Tu Vida Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • VSA Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • West Yorkshire ADHD Community Partner of Carefree charity


  • Barnsley Carers Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Carers Bucks Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Carers Centre Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Carer Service Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Carers First Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Carers Oxfordshire Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Cornwall Carers Service Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Derbyshire Carers Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Halton Carers Centre Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Hartlepool Carers Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Improving Lives Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Islington Age UK Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Making Space Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • N Compass Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Rethink Mental Illness Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Send the Right Message Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Signpost Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Tu Vida Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • VSA Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • West Yorkshire ADHD Community Partner of Carefree charity


  • Barnsley Carers Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Carers Bucks Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Carers Centre Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Carer Service Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Carers First Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Carers Oxfordshire Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Cornwall Carers Service Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Derbyshire Carers Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Halton Carers Centre Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Hartlepool Carers Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Improving Lives Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Islington Age UK Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Making Space Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • N Compass Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Rethink Mental Illness Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Send the Right Message Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Signpost Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Tu Vida Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • VSA Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • West Yorkshire ADHD Community Partner of Carefree charity


  • Barnsley Carers Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Carers Bucks Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Carers Centre Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Carer Service Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Carers First Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Carers Oxfordshire Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Cornwall Carers Service Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Derbyshire Carers Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Halton Carers Centre Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Hartlepool Carers Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Improving Lives Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Islington Age UK Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Making Space Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • N Compass Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Rethink Mental Illness Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Send the Right Message Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Signpost Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • Tu Vida Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • VSA Community Partner of Carefree charity
  • West Yorkshire ADHD Community Partner of Carefree charity

Frequently asked questions

How many carer referrals and breaks do I get?

Are there any costs for the carer?

Are there any eligibility criteria?

How does the booking process work for carers?

How can Carefree help with carer identification?

Frequently asked questions

How many carer referrals and breaks do I get?

Are there any costs for the carer?

Are there any eligibility criteria?

How does the booking process work for carers?

How can Carefree help with carer identification?

Frequently asked questions

How many carer referrals and breaks do I get?

Are there any costs for the carer?

Are there any eligibility criteria?

How does the booking process work for carers?

How can Carefree help with carer identification?

Frequently asked questions

How many carer referrals and breaks do I get?

Are there any costs for the carer?

Are there any eligibility criteria?

How does the booking process work for carers?

How can Carefree help with carer identification?

Interested in partnering with us?

Book a call with Adriana, our Customer Operations Manager, to learn more.

Sarine Sofair, community partnerships manager, Carefree

Interested in partnering with us?

Book a call with Adriana, our Customer Operations Manager, to learn more.

Sarine Sofair, community partnerships manager, Carefree

Interested in partnering with us?

Book a call with Adriana, our Customer Operations Manager, to learn more.

Sarine Sofair, community partnerships manager, Carefree

Interested in partnering with us?

Book a call with Adriana, our Customer Operations Manager, to learn more.

Sarine Sofair, community partnerships manager, Carefree